Jan 5, 2018

Who was the father of Robert Albin Abrahamson?

Talk about a "BRICK WALL" in Family History? A New Year's Resolution.

Not long ago, through DNA, it was confirmed that our great grandfather, Robert Albin Abrahamson was NOT one of the many many illegitimate children of Oscar II Bernadotte of Sweden. What a disappointment for all of us descendants of Albin! Albin's children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren had repeatedly told and found great pleasure in our family "legend" for over 150 years. I think Albin himself most likely bought his mother's Charlotta's claim. Sounds a bit crazy now but yeah, we truly believed the family legend you can read HERE. Well, I guess I am now over the disappointment (pretty much anyway) and my New Years family history resolution is to attempt to..


Okay, so I have no clue (yet, but I will) how I am going to do this or where or how to even begin my research. See the above photo of Great Grandpa Albin? He looks like a determined, stick to it, never say die sort of a fellow doesn't he? Maybe he is the ancestor I inherited that from.