Jun 25, 2018

Grandmothers with Grandchildren - Lydia Abrahamson Kallman

My grandmother Lydia Kallman
with two grandbabies

This is my grandmother Lydia Kallman in 1952. I am the baby in her right arm and my cousin Robert is in her left. We were born just 6-8 weeks apart. I am the elder baby but even at this young age it was obvious I was the shorter. Well, no lie because he topped out at about 6'4" and I was lucky to squeak up to 5"3".  My drivers license says that I am officially 5'4" but I admit I lied and I never was. My weight on the license? None of your business how much I lied about that.

My focus in the past was always on my cousin and myself. I also was happy to get a pretty good photo of my grandmother, the way I remembered her.

Today when I viewed this photo I realized that since Grandma was born in 1890 she was all of 62 when this photo was taken. I am 4 years older than that now! And Grandma looks old to me! Whoa.....do I look this old? Lie if you must. I am old enough to know better than to ask my grand kids that question. After all, like they say...
"children, drunks and stretch pants don't lie".

Hoping to be remembered fondly 
(even if old) by my grand kids,

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