Oct 18, 2018

"Beloved siblings, Sarona, Olga, Rikard and Tekla. God's Peace"

My grandfather Richard left his home in Sweden to come to the United States in 1906, as did all of his siblings. Brothers Håkan Patrik and Karl Botvid emigrated in 1901, Olga 1902, Sarona 1904 and Tekla 1907. 1904, now married and a father,  Patrik returned to Sweden with his wife Maria and their young son. 1905  Botvid also returned to Sweden where he soon married.

February 16, 1908 Patrik wrote a letter to his siblings in Amerika.  He was ill.

translation to English by his son.
Spångsholm, February 16/08

Beloved siblings, Olga, Rikard, Tekla.
The Lord's peace.

After a long time since I wrote to you. I will now write to you. I thank you for the many greetings, which you have sent us, also for the card you sent us, and last for the letter, which you, Rikard, sent me, in which you told about your way to spend the time in the evenings. The folding rule you mentioned, you got from papa. I wonder, if the sisters Olga, Tekla, have any favorite occupation during free time, like you, Rikard. I have heard that Sarona is happy to be married and that husband Alvine executed the connection.

Perhaps you heard of Sarona's letter, that Christmas was a welcome feast in my house, and that the happiness was high underneath the roof and that my thought for the new year was the very best, but underneath all this, something unknown is lurking for me. I came down with a cold, which has caused a serious illness, and a sure thing is, that if I had waited a week longer with going to the doctor, my health would not have returned. Now I am well enough to be up during the days, but I am forbidden to work for an indefinite time. I have been ill ever since New Year, although it is only 4 weeks that I have not worked. Under all this, I realize that it is the Lord's direction, and I am satisfied with how it goes.

My family is well and strong, and they greet you dearly. I want to tell you that I have bought a fur vest to be able to keep my health, which I would like to advise you, my siblings to do also, as a protection for wind and cold.

Now lastly, I send the most heartfelt greetings to you my siblings. Perhaps you wonder what kind of illness I have and I can say that it consists of cough, but as I just said, I am on the mend, so now I have hopes of recovering my health. However, we may pray to the Lord for each other, for his help and guidance and blessing.

Your brother Patrik

(Greet Sarona and Alvine. At the time convey my thank you for letters I received from them and their wedding photo.)

In a second letter to his siblings in April of that same year he goes into greater detail.

Stratomta Sanatorium, 4/15/08

Beloved siblings, Sarona, Olga, Rikard, Tekla.
God's peace.

Perhaps you will think, now when you hear how it is, that I have been stricken with a hard affliction, and so it may seem, but I am much more thankful to the Lord now than when in good fortune. The greatest blessing I have received is that I have embraced Christ more as my Salvation.

Secondly, He has given us a healthy, well-formed boy, so although I am unable to work, we have been given richly of His blessings. I am not at home now, so I can not say more than what I was told by Botvid, that everything went well with Maria.

I myself, am strong enough, so that, with God's help, I will probably get well. You understand that it is Tuberculosis that I have. We are many friends here, and all of us must adjust to our situation. Still it is good that one does not suffer hard. T.B. Does not bring big pains.

I don't know how it is with our father, but I will go home next Saturday, Easter Eve to visit them. I have been here almost 14 days. Still there is no indication if this has done anything, but I have good hopes because here we may be in bed almost all day outside in the fresh air, and that is, of course the only thing, rest and strength which does that one gets well.

Botvid and family have moved over to Maria, so Amanda is helping her during the time she is ill.
Yes, dear siblings, may we pray to the Lord in trials, as well as in good fortune, for each other.

Please greet Alvine so heartfelt.


Stratomta Lunghem

In the 19th century 25% of the deaths in Sweden were due to Tuberculosis. The situation was similiar throughout Europe and the Americas. Tuberculosis, an infectious, contagious disease with a high mortality rate, has been in the human population since the earliest of times recorded. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacillus causing Tuberculosis was discovered in the 1880's. Unfortunately it wasn't until 1940 that streptomycin was developed which could cure TB. Forty years too late for my grand uncle Patrik. In his day, isolation from the public, bedrest, nutrition and sun exposure was the "cure". And some did indeed recover. Some, but not many.

Encouraged by his wife, Queen Sophia, King Oscar II of Norway and Sweden sponsored the building of TB sanatoriums across Sweden. Built in 1907, high on a hill, the Stratomta Sanatorium in Stratomta, Törnevalla parish, Linkoping, Sweden was where Patrik was sent for "the cure" in April of 1908.

Stratomta Sanitarium was initially a fish farm which was bought in 1906 and in 1907built as a TB sanitarium. Later years the building was used as a rehab center, convalescent center and in 2006 was bought, restored and divided into apartments.

The treatment methods used were based on the idea that fresh air, sunlight and nutritious food could strengthen the body
 to heal the disease. The patients rested in the ‘fresh air’ in all seasons, during wintertime under thick blankets

The day after Christmas, 1908 Patrik died. The official record of his death states he died of ""Lungblodning". He bled out from his lungs.

He was 27 years old.

my grand uncle
Håkan Patrik Källman
b: 31 December 1880 Grytgòl, Hällestad, Östergötland, Sweden
d: 26 December 1908 Spångsholm, Veta, Östergötland, Sweden

I give great thanks and affection to my newly "found" second cousin Annette, the grand daughter of Håkan whose family had the great forethought to preserve Håkans precious letters this past century and the great kindness to share them with me. Thank you so much my dear cousin!

***double click on Håkan's letter and photos to enlarge for easier viewing***

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