Nov 20, 2019

Grand Uncle Andrew Soderstrom and his sisters

I just love these old photos!

Showing up on today was this lovely photo. Great Uncle Andrew Soderstrom and his younger sisters, Anna and Helga . Even as not more than a mere child, his handsome face is quite recognizable isn't it?  A big thank you goes out to the Swedish second cousins of my second cousins, descendants of the lovely Anna Sofia Matilda Söderström. Anna is sitting to his right, Helga stands behind them.

Another indication to me that going "public" with the family tree was the right decision. Without tree sharing this 100+ year old photo would have remained forever in a box in a closet far away in Sweden.

Många tack till de svenska kusinerna,

1 comment:

Ranae Kallman Feick said...

Andrew Olaf Soderstrom b. Olof Andur Söderstrom Sept 15, 1888 In Helgums Sweden, was married to my grandaunt Ruth Abrahamson