Oct 21, 2019

50/50 - I knew it all along.

This DNA stuff just gets better and better. I am still amazed that a bit of spit in a tube can be analyzed but as the science gets better and better and the testing groups and methods become more precise? Wow! I just received upgraded results from Ancestry.com. They can stop now!

My mother was Norwegian and my father was Swedish. I knew it all along but here I am, officially 50% Norwegian and 50% Swedish. Not many can claim a heritage quite that simplistic. My ancestors were simple folk, farmers mostly, who were born, lived, married, had children and died within the same community. When Grandpa said "Hey I got a good idea, let's pack our trunk and go to Amerika", that changed everything for our family line. Only one of my beloved grandchildren has done DNA testing. Her results show a pie chart of many colors representing almost every area of the world and I suspect the others, if they tested, would show the same. And that is cool too.

Ancestry.com DNA testing is even pointing to the precise areas of the country where my grandparents were born! Pretty cool and amazing but they can stop now. They got it accurate enough.
I don't really need to know what street they lived on.

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