Aug 21, 2020

Esther Soderstrom is engaged to marry

The announcement of  the proposed marriage of nineteen year old Esther
was found in The Dispatch, Moline, Illinois

    "Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Soderstrom, 1408 Ninth Street, announce the engagement of their daughter, Esther, to William H. Liljegren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Liljegren, 2113 Fourteenth street.
    No date is set for the nuptials.
    Miss Sodertrom was graduated from Moline high school and is employed in the personnel department of the John Deere Harvester works.
    Mr. Liljegren was graduated from Moline high school and was recently discharged from the navy after thirty-seven months service, twelve of which were spent in the Pacific area. He also is employed in the personnel department of the John Deere Harvester works, having returned to the position he held before entering service."

my first cousin once removed
Esther Anna Marian Soderstrom
b. September 2, 1926 Moline, Rock Island, Illinois
d. April 9, 2003 Scottdale, Maricopa, Arizona

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