Mar 15, 2021

Deep Nostalgia - Robert Albin

 The genealogy site My Heritage ( has features to sharpen and or colorize old photos. I found that pretty cool and wrote about it →  HERE . Their latest offering is called "DEEP NOSTALGIA" and puts movement to old photos. I have mixed feelings about this one. It is pretty cool technology for sure.  It is also an experience to see a family member long gone in a more life like venue. Particularly if it is a family member, such as my great grandfather, Robert Albin, that I never had the experience to meet or know. But yet I am in a sensed a bit creeped out. What do you think?

Give it a try with one of your family photos. I do not have a subscription with My Heritage but I do have an account so I am not sure if you would need to establish an account to use this feature. There is however no fee to establish one.

Still unsure how I feel,

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