Feb 12, 2025

1950 Census - Albin & Leola Kallman Family

 My uncle Albin and Aunt Leola had sometimes in the 40's left Chicago and moved to California, leaving city life for a farm.

120 Walnut Road Ceres, Stanlaus, California

#12-house #120, a farm, Kallman, Albin R. head, white, male, 38, married, born in Iowa, worked 72 hours last week, farming, on a farm
#13-Kallman, Leola E. Wife, White, Female, 38, married, born in Iowa, at home
#14-Kallman, Jeanette, daughter, white, female, 10, never married, born in Illinois

additional sample questions for Jeanette-lived in same house a year ago, both parents born in the U.S., currently in school attending 5th grade, not working

my Uncle
Albin Richard Kallman

My Aunt 
Leola Ethelyn Lowenberg Kallman

My Cousin
Jeanette Kallman

Wow, Uncle Albin working 72 hrs, the last week farming? A hard life no doubt.

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