
52 Ancestors in 52 weeks #50: "Inlaws" - Sarona Kallman Alvine & Lydia Abrahamson Kallman

  prompt #50 Dec 10 - Dec 16 "Inlaws" Saron Alvine and Lydia Kallman

My grandmother Lydia and her sister-in-law, my great aunt Sarona. They hold on their laps their first born sons Stanley (Sarona) and Albin (Lydia). Were these inlaws close? Sarona and her family moved out to California in the 1930's while my grandmother Lydia's family remained in Chicago, so most likely they were not.

From Amy Johnson Crow, a genealogist, far more experienced then I. "The data that we've accumulated in our genealogy software and in our binders and folders doesn't do a whole lot of good just sitting there. We need to do something with it." Each week she sends out a prompt to share a bit about an ancestor, collateral relative, or family friend.

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