Jul 30, 2019

Albin and Anna Abrahamson's descendants

It has been about four and a half years since I began my blog about my Swedish family history journey. On my very first entry I posted this photo of my great grandparents Albin and Anna Abrahamson.

This photo is especially precious because it was the very first photo I had ever seen of my great grandparents, my grandmother and her siblings in Sweden.
In that post, which you can see HERE I wrote....

"My goal is to now and then to chat a bit about our family and my findings
    on my family history journey. I hope you will join me." 

Many of my cousins did join me and shared information, memories and photographs and I will be forever grateful for their kindness to me. The family tree has grown exponentially. I have contacted quite a few cousins, also descended from Albin and Anna and happily quite a few have contacted me through this blog or my Ancestry family tree. 

I thought it interesting to do just a headcount of their descendants. (No names for the sake of privacy)
Albin and Anna Abrahamson have 316 descendants, that I am aware of.

 No doubt I am not aware of all the great great and great great great grandchildren. Also I am not counting spouses of descendants, just the descendants of  this prolific couple themselves, both by birth and adoption. Still though, quite a few of us owe our existence to and are thankful that long ago, Albin met Anna.


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