Start your own tree or at the least, download, gather, save the family photos and documents that are meaningful to you on your home computer. There are free Family tree programs you can download to your computer. You can build a family tree on their site for free, you only need to buy a subscription when you wish to view/download their offerings and view the trees of others. Cousins are always welcome to view my tree on (also free) and many of my findings can be found right here on my blog "Ranae's Swedish-American Heritage".
Ancestry is a pretty big company for sure and my tree (and pieces of it copied by cousins) are also on other websites, but who knows what the future holds? I obviously can't assure or guarantee you that will be there forever or that I will always feel that is the appropriate place for my family tree. To that end, I always have a copy of my family heritage findings in a softwear program on my personal computer. This blog? I don't plan on going anywhere but this is after all a free Google blog and if they decide to start charging me?
Have I convinced you?
Here is a great article to get you started.
Click this link▼
Here are some free family softwear programs
Are you Old School? Prefer to do your family tree by hand?
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