This Sunday's story is from the harvest time one year.
It is another story from cousin Ingemar Majholm about our great grandfather
Robert Albin Abrahamsson.

"Albin was out in the barn threshing with his machine, when his respectably long beard happened to get caught between a couple of cog-wheels. His chin was inexorably pulled towards the unpleasant — to say the least — interior of the machine. If his farm-man had not discovered the urgency of the situation, grasped a sickle or a knife and instantly acted barber, the history of Stommen might have turned in a rather different direction than we read it today. His beard doesn't seem to have been allowed to grow so respectable after this occasion (at least not if you look at the available pictures of Albin)."*
*taken in part from "A Family History - Albin and Anna Abrahamsson"
by Ingemar Majholm (with his permission)
*clicking on photos will enlarge them for easier viewing*