
Happy Birthday Aunt Ebba!

Ebba Rebecca Kallman would be 96 years old today.
 The fourth child of 5 born to my grandparents Lydia Abrahamson and Richard Severin Kallman she came into the world on January 7th 1920 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois.

*While I believe Lydia's other children were born at home, Ebba was born at the Chicago Union Hospital (possibly now Illinois Masonic Hospital) which leaves me wondering if there was some difficulty in her birth.
*Look at the mothers name, Lydia Robart. I imagine a senario something like this. A hurried hospital worker asks for the mothers maiden name. Lydia doesn't understand the meaning of "maiden name". "Oh, these stupid immigrants! What is your father's name?" she says disgustedly. The sweet young blond Lydia answers innocently in her thick Swedish accent, "Robert". And so it is official in Chicago birth records for all time.

The lesson here is that even primary genealogical records can be wrong.

Happy Birthday Aunt Ebba!


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