Feb 10, 2017

110 years ago - the marriage of Uncle Emil and Aunt Anna in Sweden

One hundred and ten years ago this month.
February 22, 1907 Johan Emil Jakobsson and Anna Abrahamson were united in marriage. 

The marriage was recorded in Anna's home parish of Östra Frölunda but it was noted that the couple were united by the local magistrate in Borås in a civil ceremony. The record also notes that she was not confirmed in the state church of Sweden and for that reason she could not be married in the Östra Frölunda church. The law allowed for civil marriages for couples of different faiths. Only until 1908 could a couple opt for a strictly civil wedding irregardless of their religious beliefs. Her father, Robert Albin must have approved of her marriage. Anna was just 21, all single women  were considered minors in Sweden regardless of their age until 1925 and she could not marry without the approval of her father or guardian. 
Arkivdigital: digital photograph 1907 Lysningsbok för Ö Frölunda  församling

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