Feb 22, 2017

1920 US Census - Richard Kallman Family - Chicago

1920 The Richard Kallman Family has left the quad city area and is now living in Chicago, where they will remain.

• 3056 Clifton Avenue - the family is renting 
• Richard, head of household, white, age 32, immigrated in 1906, pending naturalization, can read and write, born in Sweden as were both parents, occupation blacksmith, working in a wagonshop.
• Lydia, wife, white, age 29, immigrated in 1892, alien, can read and write, born in Sweden as were both parents, occupation none
• Albin R, son, white, age 7, attending school, born in Iowa, both parents born in Sweden
• Eva L.D.,daughter, white, age 4 4/12, not yet in school. born in Illinois, both parents born in Sweden
• Carl M., son, white, age 3 4/12, born in Illinois, both parents born in Sweden

• The family is living in Lakeview which at this time was a predominantly Swedish immigrant area. Most of the adults on this page are foreign born. Today this is an upscale and expensive part of Chicago.
• Richard's job in a wagonshop will be soon no longer exist with the coming of the model T Ford and cars being made possible for the working man. He will soon translate his blacksmith skills into doing body and fender work on cars.
• 1892 is the incorrect year of immigration for Lydia (1911)
• Carl M is my Dad Melvin, who always went by middle name Melvin
• daughters Ebba and Laverne are not yet born although Ebba was born just 5 days after this census.

On a personal note, my Dad once told me that he could not speak English until he started school

*click on record to enlarge for easier viewing*