
Husband Albin is gone


Sometime after her husband's death in 1923 great grandma Anna (directly in middle) sits for a photo outside her home with her children that remained in Sweden.
top:       L to R Ester, Gustaf, Anders Jonason (Märta's husband), Sven Johanson (Tyra's husband), Tyra
middle:  L to R Hanna (Gustaf's wife), Märta, Anna, Hilma
bottom:  L to R 2 unidentified children, Gustaf and Hanna's 4 children

1 comment:

Ingemar Majholm said...

From what I know the man between Anders Jonason and Tyra is Seth Abrahamsson and not Sven Johansson.
The unknown girls in the front is nr 1 and 4. (Gunhild told me they were from Gothemburg). Nr 2 is Sara. She looks a bit mischievious on some photos like here. A girl full of life, it appears.
Nr 3 is Margareta, nr 5 Gunhild and nr 6 Seth. Looks like the kids are having fun together.